January 7, 2025
Strategies of Zed Teams

Korean Zed teams set the tone for success by strategically navigating the early game. This overview dissects the intricacies of their early game dominance, focusing on jungle pathing, invades, and lane priority to secure advantages during the critical laning phase.

  1. Jungle Pathing:

Aggressive Jungle Clear:

Korean Zed teams often adopt aggressive jungle pathing for their junglers. Starting with a buff and quickly progressing to clear high-priority camps, such as Raptors and Krugs, enables a faster level advantage. This aggressive clear contributes to Zed’s jungle presence and provides opportunities for early skirmishes.


Efficient Scuttle Control:

Securing Scuttle Crabs is a priority in Zed teams’ early game strategy. Junglers often prioritize efficient pathing to contest Scuttle Crabs, gaining vision, and securing the associated movement speed boost. This aligns with Zed’s need for mobility during roams and engages.

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  1. Invades and Vision Control:

Deep Invades:

Korean Zed teams leverage Zed’s 롤 대리 early-game strength to invade the enemy jungle alongside the jungler. Deep invades disrupt the enemy jungler’s clear, provide vision on their movements, and create opportunities for early kills or steals.

Warding Key Entrances:

Strategic warding of key jungle entrances is crucial in Zed teams’ early game playbook. Placing wards at the enemy buff camps or jungle exits provides invaluable information on the enemy jungler’s position, facilitating informed decision-making and potential counter-invades.

  1. Lane Priority:

Mid-Lane Pressure:

Mid-lane priority is a cornerstone of Zed teams’ early game dominance. Zed players often exert pressure in the mid lane through aggressive trading and wave control. This lane priority enables the jungler to invade or contest objectives, knowing that Zed can quickly respond to skirmishes.

Coordinated Roams:

Zed’s early game prowess extends beyond the mid lane. Korean Zed teams coordinate roams with the jungler or other lanes, exploiting the lane priority created by Zed’s aggressive playstyle. These roams aim to secure kills, assist allies, and apply pressure across the map.

  1. Early Skirmishes and Picks:

Level 2 or Level 3 Engages:

Korean Zed teams actively seek early skirmishes, often engaging in level 2 or level 3 fights. This timing coincides with Zed’s 롤 대리 power spike, and teams capitalize on the surprise factor to secure kills or summoner spells, gaining an advantage in lane or setting the stage for successful roams.

Vision-Enabled Picks:

Vision control factors into Zed teams’ early game dominance. By securing deep wards and denying enemy vision, Zed can capitalize on moments of isolation, setting up picks or ambushes in collaboration with the jungler.


Korean Zed teams masterfully craft an early game that thrives on momentum. Through aggressive jungle pathing, strategic invades, mid-lane priority, early skirmishes, and adaptability, these teams set the stage for Zed’s dynamic playstyle. The ability to secure advantages in the early game not only empowers Zed individually but also creates opportunities for team-wide success, establishing a foundation for a formidable presence throughout the game.

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